by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 31, 2020
Interesting article! The main phrase: “Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate majority leader, said late on Wednesday that the proposal had “no realistic path to quickly pass” in the Republican-majority upper chamber of Congress.” The two run-off races in...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 31, 2020
As mentioned in previous posts and in my Outlook, mistrust due to logistic issues is one of the key components favoring the dichotomy of temporality between what markets priced and the timing of the real economy recovery. in addition, side-effects seem to be worse at...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 29, 2020
As usual, the goal of this document is to propose answers to the main questions over 2021. Global economic growth: Rapid catch up (effective vaccines?) or “Groundhog Day” infection? Biden: Post-Trump Era complete shift or simple transition? The USA is back in the...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 29, 2020
The EU is braving the USA, taking advantage of the chaos during the transition period at the head of the American executive… This news seems good news. But as usual, the US administration is two-step ahead. Congress has already passed two texts: the Uyghur Human...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 28, 2020
The pandemic just accelerated and is accelerating all movements in our societies and economies. Trade war, social tensions, and even inflation were there, in place, before the Covid. Inflation will be a key topic of my 2021 Strategy titled: Collision Course, not...