by Jacques Lemoisson | Jan 27, 2021
Germany is considering almost completely halting flights into the country to slow the spread of more infectious strains of the coronavirus, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said on Tuesday (Jan 26)… I am still short Europe! Share...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Jan 13, 2021
Very important comments from Lagarde relayed by Reuters : 13-Jan-2021 10:33:14 – REUTERS NEXT-ECB’S LAGARDE SAYS WANT TO ARRIVE AT DEGREE TO CLARITY, PREDICTABILITY WITH DEFINITION OF INFLATION TARGET 13-Jan-2021 10:34:09 – REUTERS NEXT-ECB’S...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Jan 1, 2021
Mistrust about vaccines is spreading fast… I pointed out this issue in my outlook, as a major one. The gap of temporality between markets’ assumptions and the reality will become too wide. Slow vaccines adoption will postpone the full recovery. Nursing home...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 29, 2020
As usual, the goal of this document is to propose answers to the main questions over 2021. Global economic growth: Rapid catch up (effective vaccines?) or “Groundhog Day” infection? Biden: Post-Trump Era complete shift or simple transition? The USA is back in the...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 29, 2020
The EU is braving the USA, taking advantage of the chaos during the transition period at the head of the American executive… This news seems good news. But as usual, the US administration is two-step ahead. Congress has already passed two texts: the Uyghur Human...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Dec 25, 2020
Hope for the best, but prepared for the worse… Dec 25 — Ambassadors from the EU’s 27 member states will meet to review the Brexit trade deal with Michel Barnier, the bloc’s chief negotiator, on Christmas morning. The college of commissioners will propose that EU...