by Jacques Lemoisson | Feb 8, 2021
Stanley Druckenmiller is the great CIO of Duquesnes Family Office. To be clear, excepted the short position on USD and the vision about Bitcoin, I am fully aligned with him over all the topics addressed, including when he is talking about risk management!!! Share...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Feb 7, 2021
Lawrence Summers, who served as Bill Clinton’s treasury secretary and Barack Obama’s top economic adviser, warned that Biden’s plan was excessive and that it might trigger “inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation, with consequences for the...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Feb 3, 2021
The chart is clear and if you consider that there is no inflation, I can’t argue more. Powell said : “The housing sector has more than fully recovered from the downturn,” “a one-time shift in demand that we think will get satisfied, also that will call forth...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Jan 26, 2021
If you already think that ESG and decarbonization would not generate inflation, Larry Fink just marks the beat! On Tuesday he warned the companies it invests in that they need to show how they will be able to survive in a world aiming for net-zero carbon emissions by...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Jan 15, 2021
Powell mentioned yesterday that nothing to see about inflation… OK! The BOJ consistently reports low CPI… Ok! Japan introduces cap electricity prices at 200Yen/KWH when this price on the Japan Power Exchanche reached 246Yen/KWH on Tuesday… Just for...
by Jacques Lemoisson | Jan 13, 2021
Very important comments from Lagarde relayed by Reuters : 13-Jan-2021 10:33:14 – REUTERS NEXT-ECB’S LAGARDE SAYS WANT TO ARRIVE AT DEGREE TO CLARITY, PREDICTABILITY WITH DEFINITION OF INFLATION TARGET 13-Jan-2021 10:34:09 – REUTERS NEXT-ECB’S...