ARK will launch ARKX the Space Exploration & Innovation ETF… I am an aerospace engineer and I was really shocked (but not surprised) regarding the stock selection… I ticked in red the
– First, this ETF is a kind of Russian doll. The second weight is an ARK ETF (3D printing)… Meaning an ETF of ETF coming from the same issuer…
– Second, there is a mix of GAFA and BAT in this ETF… If you looking for a link with any Space Odyssey, we are not in the second derivative but the umpteenth derivative. If the Boss of Amazon wants to develop space travel, I am not sure that Amazon is developing Space Cargo delivery cause there is no mailbox on Moon or Mars, at this stage.
– Third, Trimble is the first weight while Geospatial (no matter with the Space exploration, kind of GPS service) represented in 2020, 21% of the activity…
I worked on this theme. The main problem comes from 2 things :
– At this stage of development, the main listed Space Exploration companies are related to the Army and Weapons.
– The main actors (Space X for example) are private companies. A private equity Space Odyssey strategy seems the smartest way to invest in this great thematic.
All these firms are good companies but … No comment…