The divergences are stark. India will end 2021 with a gross domestic product that’s 5.2% smaller than it would have been otherwise, according to forecasts by Bloomberg Economics. Indonesia’s output will be 9.2% smaller than its pre-crisis trend foretold. The U.S.? Just 1.6% smaller.
In its latest World Economic Outlook, released in full on April 6, the International Monetary Fund predicts the global economy in 2024 will be 3% smaller than it would have been without the pandemic, largely because developing world governments have less room to spend their way to recovery, as the U.S. and Europe are doing.
In parallel, all equity indices in developed economies are reaching record highs… What about growth forecasted in PE? and, what about the bull Emerging and Bear dollar calls????
The smart chart is coming from one of the best Bloomberg articles that I have ever read. A second post is coming.